Friday, March 7, 2008


10 years ago:- I was 17, Junior in high school, drove a red honda civic that I got for my 16th birthday, but if I remember correctly, I was soon going to bang that thing up to peices. I had already gotten stuck in several ditches, hit a mailbox (I actually hit it so hard I uprooted the thing and my dad made me paint them a new post) and it was a 5-speed so I would always forget to pull up the emergency break and it would roll out of our garage into whatever was behind me, like other people's cars and basketball goals.
My best friends were: The infamous "7": Ashley, Katie, Melissa, Griffin, Jill and Brittany, and then Keyla, Annie, and as always, Bethany.
I was dating: hmmm probably Damon Dumser. Griffin stole him from me that summer and we didn't speak for a few months until the fall musical and we made up back stage:) ah, memories! Wait, Bethany, didn't we have a little "tiff" and we made up during the "We Go Together" number in GREASE?? HAHA! What is it with me and making up with my friends during musicals??!
Favorite Stores to shop at then: hmm, probably Gadzooks, Maurices, and Gap. (we didn't have a lot to choose from, ok?!)

Things on my "to do" list today: Go to work, finish my weekly prospecting goals, make dinner, hang out with my hubby and possibly do some cleaning/organization to our new house. It's a little chaotic with boxes.
What I would do if I suddenly became a billionaire: Pay off all of our debt, pay off our friends' and family's debts, start having children, adopt some too, buy a house, go visit Kelee in Africa, go visit Eryn like once a month at least, help my sis open her own salon, help anyone in need, travel the world.
Three bad habits: I throw clothes all over the floor (me too know this) When my hair comes out in the shower I ALSO put it on the wall and sometimes forget about it!! Michael hates this. When we were first married I was adament about remembering to get it off. Now I'm a little less anal about it:) I lose so much hair that sometimes it's like, is that normal? I bite my cuticles. I absolutely DESPISE this habit of mine and it seems that I cannot stop. Any tips? I've tried putting a bandaid on each finger but that's not very practical for my job. My other bad habit is buying yogurt and fogetting to eat it before the expiriation date. This drives my husband crazy! haha. Whenever I buy yogurt he gives me this look like, you sure about that? hehe.

5 Jobs I've had: Server at Applebees, Title Curator at Richmond Title (I know you all didn't know that I was an expert in this) Barista at Starbuck's, Account Manager at 1Point Solutions (this is the company that went bankrupt because the owner stole millions of dollars of people's 401K money. Dirty dirty.) And now I'm in sales for Fontis Health.

That was fun! I tag anyone who wants to do this.


Jillina said...

Love it and I do the same thing with my hair in the shower!! I've always joked that I lose more hair than anyone ever should and must be going bald. :) Ha!

Becky said...

Whitney you crack me up!!!! I totally forgot about the hair on the wall in the shower... I used to do that all the time but haven't done that in years! I wonder why?!? :)

Jenna said...

I always forget about my yogurt too! I start walking towards it in the grocery store, and Danny is like, "don't even think about it"!! Not sure why I don't ever eat it all...I guess I don't like to eat the same thing for breakfast everyday??