Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Ok ladies I need some major help and/or advice. Our laundry situation is out of control, and it seems hopeless! I mean, we don't even have kids yet! It's very very disheartening to me that I can't gain control of just 2 people's seemingly endless amount of laundry. The thing is, I'm great at washing clothes. Love it. But when it comes to folding or hanging up clothes once they are done, it just gets totally out of control!! If I get behind on even ONE load, then it just snowballs and we have a sea of clean laundry in our guest bedroom. What do I do about this? This is seriously bothering me, I even had a major breakdown last night (with tears and all) because the situation seems hopeless. Help! Any advice is welcomed.


Carrie, The Modern Housewife said...

Wow - it must be bad if this blog was higher priority than posting pictures of South Africa!! I actually like folding clothes, so I'm not a great one for advice, but since you seem at wit's end (!), here's what I do...I go ahead and lay them out & divide them right away. Laying separate stacks of my shirts, hubby's shirts, e's clothes, towels. Undies & socks get sorted into piles. This gets all the wrinkles out too. Then it seems easier to get on a roll doing all my t-shirts at once, then my pants, etc. Really not a super-advanced system, but it's works for me...If all the folding is just too much, it's also a good stopping point if you want to sort it into piles, take a break & come back when you feel like finishing. Then at least the clothes don't lay there getting all wrinkly & you could find things if needed. Hope this helps!

Whitney said...

haha, i know, i was about to say on that post that it must be an emergency if I postponed writing my blog about South Africa! :)
Thanks for the advice, and oddly, I've never thought about doing it that way! I'll definitely try it. Anything to make it not so overwhelming. Thanks!

David and Eryn said...

An older lady at church with four kids (and she homeschools) said that she was this way and someone told her to just do 1 full load a day. I think when she gets behind she does one in the morn and one at night. But that way there is always a "folding time" and then you know your done and it wasn't too overwhelming. I have tried this (we layer alot here so we have a TON of laundry) and it seems to work pretty well. I like to schedule folding time while I watch Ellen :)

Cristie said...

I totally understand, used to have the same problem. I didn’t mind the washing or folding, it was the putting away. Now I have set aside Sunday (just any one day of the week) to do laundry. I do not go to bed until it is all done, folded and put away. If I didn’t do this clean clothes would sit there for weeks on the bed or in a basket and they would get wrinkled and dirty again. I look at it as if I do it all on Sunday afternoons/night, then I don’t have to worry with it at all for a whole week. I am sure all this is about to change once the baby gets here, but it’s worked so far!

Abigail and Ansley said...

This post made me laugh! I am would one might consider a neat freak. HOWEVER, I have come to realize that putting away clean laundry is pointless...we are just going to wear it again! :) The amount of laundry at our house is unbelievable! I hate having clothes in the hampers or laundry baskets, but I am trying to make myself realize that I need to focus on the important things in life a little least that's what I try to tell myself as I trip over the piles of clean laundry that seems to never end! :)

Angie said...

The laundry never ends.... I guess that proves we all have way more than we could ever need, huh? :) I throw clean laundry on the couch after it dries. This way it's convenient to fold when watching TV or hanging out in the living room. And... if it piles up too much, there's no where to sit. That forces me to get it done! he he :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Eryn on this one! You know the old saying, "How do you eat an elephant?".......
one bite at a time! (maybe that is an old South African saying--wink wink)

Now, I know how you grew up, so I can't believe you have developed this problem! *shocked face*!!!

I love you!