Friday, August 24, 2007

Thanks, Anne...

"What a splendid day!... I pity people who aren't born yet for missing it. They may have good days, of course, but they can never have this one." - Anne of Green Gables

Did you ever read the Anne of Green Gables book or watch the movies?
Growing up, this consumed probably 75% of my summers break. Maybe this is part of the reason why I feel so positive and euphoric about the world I live in sometimes. I would love to just go back to those days of learning from Anne and not having a care in the world besides deciding what adventure I am going to go on that day. I even consider my best friends "kindred spirits" because of Anne's influence:) Thanks Anne!


Courtney said...

Oooooh, I used to LOVE watching Anne of Green Gables!

caroline G said...

Hi Whitney! Caroline Nelson here. Just wasting the afternoon at work and came across your blog. I too LOVE Anne of Green Gables. My favorite part is when she dyes her hair green, and then has to explain to Marilla. I love Anne with an e. Hope all is well!

Whitney said...

Oh I totally forgot about that part! Good stuff. Good to see you and that you have a blog!

Anonymous said...

I love Anne of Green Gables! I just saw one of the movies on tv a few weeks ago and I had to sit and watch the entire thing..Danny thought I was crazy. I totally had a crush on Gil when I was little!

Matthew said...

My wife this stuff. I took her there a few years ago. I grew up in Nova Scotia, so I guess I am part of this culture. PEI is beautiful.

Lindsay said...

I use to Love Anne of Green Gables. I always wanted her to end up with Gil....I'm going to have to watch those movies again now that you mentioned it.

Anonymous said...

I was a big fan! I would love to watch it again from an adult perspective . . .

Kara Mattox said...

Don't forget the "bosom friend" line. That still makes me laugh. I need to grow up. :)

Anonymous said...

This Is my favorite set of book and movies in the whole wide world. Whitless where do you think we learned how to live. if you don't live everyday to it's fullest you have just missed out on a great day.